I HAVE FOUND A DELICIOUS RAW VEGAN DESSERT! Phew, I feel better. Look at the labels on this post, I labeled it as healthy. Once you check out the ingredient list you’ll understand why. It totally is! I mean, it’s got raw chocolate powder which has some calories, but it also has a lot of great nutritional value. I was feeding these brownies to my kids during a meeting and my friend said, “whatever works!” I laughed and let her know what was in them because they look like brownies, taste like brownies, but they are definitely not what you think of as brownies. I’m thinking this recipe isn’t just going to make appearances when I’m on a diet. I think it’ll be a regular staple so that I can have my dessert and eat it too! Just don’t forget a tall glass of almond milk to wash that baby down. Δ Δ

Raw Brownie   3 ingredients com - 68Raw Brownie   3 ingredients com - 86Raw Brownie   3 ingredients com - 28Raw Brownie   3 ingredients com - 30Raw Brownie   3 ingredients com - 20