Whenever I’m stumped for what to make for dinner I always at least consider just making breakfast for dinner. It’s easy and I almost always have the ingredients. Plus, everyone love pancakes so I know I have something that everyone will eat. And that’s always important as a mom. We were about to head out of town, and I was running low on ingredients and had a lot of other stuff to worry about like packing. The idea for these pancakes popped in my head. I wasn’t sure how it would work out, or if my kids would even eat it. When a 3 year old pounds 3 pancakes and the 5 year old gobbles his own stack of 4….well, you know you have a hit on your hands. My son declared, “these are the best pancakes in the world!” Seriously kid? I was shocked. He’s picky and I was worried that the tropical flavors would be too much for him. Nope. Once I finally got enough pancakes made to have my own plate I completely understood. These pancakes were sweet and soft with the zing of pineapple. We thoroughly enjoyed the entire batch and he keeps requesting more. The pineapple and coconut flavors are subtle so you don’t get overpowered by the tropical flavors, but they add just enough flavor to be exciting and different.  And that syrup? I could eat it with a spoon! Watch the video to see just how I make these tropical pancake delights. I wish I could have filmed it on an island, but hey, sometimes you just have to pretend. Δ Δ

Pineapple Pancakes with Coconut Syrup - 46Pineapple Pancakes with Coconut Syrup - 45Pineapple Pancakes with Coconut Syrup - 62Pineapple Pancakes with Coconut Syrup - 81Pineapple Pancakes with Coconut Syrup - 84Pineapple Pancakes with Coconut Syrup - 95