Who needs store bought cookies? These cookies are soft, gooey piles of mouth watering tastiness. They are to die for, which means this recipe needs to come with a few warnings:Warning #1: Don’t just eat the peanut butter cookies as they come out of the oven. Save some for the sandwiching! Warning #2: Possibly addicting. Judging by my cravings for them, they might be in the same category as crack and heroin. Warning #3: You should probably share. I understand the temptation to hoard them all for yourself, but really, you’ll feel better about yourself if you share at least a couple! When baking cookies, especially with a new recipe or a different oven, it is always a good idea to make a test cookie. This way you can check just how long it’ll take to bake the cookies without overcooking them. Overcooked cookies are hard, and boy do I hate hard cookies! Giving just one cookie a test run can save a whole batch.

Gluten Free Options: Celiac or gluten sensitivity? We’ve got your back. Simply substitute the peanut butter cookie recipe with my 5 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookie recipe and you’ve got yourself an amazing gluten free dessert! Cookie Variations: So you’ve made the peanut butter chocolate and marshmallow sandwich cookies and you’re looking to branch out a bit? Try this out with different cookies! Chocolate Chip Cookies, Best Ever Chocolate Cookies, Cinnamon Roll Cookies, and Nutella Sugar Cookies would all be delicious sandwiched with some marshmallow and chocolate in the middle! Storage Instructions: These cookies should be stored in the fridge or another cool place. A warm room will cause the marshmallow cream and chocolate to soften and the cookies could melt apart.

If you like this recipe, you may be interested in these other delicious cookie recipes:

Old Fashioned Orange Slice Oatmeal CookiesChocolate Chip Shortbread CookiesPeanut Butter Kiss CookiesPerfect Cowboy Cookies


Peanut Butter Chocolate and Marshmallow Sandwich Cookies - 68Peanut Butter Chocolate and Marshmallow Sandwich Cookies - 61Peanut Butter Chocolate and Marshmallow Sandwich Cookies - 20Peanut Butter Chocolate and Marshmallow Sandwich Cookies - 17Peanut Butter Chocolate and Marshmallow Sandwich Cookies - 85